Thursday, October 14, 2010

Anchors and fast water.....

Fishing the fast water this time of year is absolutely necessary, and productive. Especially with the Rio MOW tips. I used to pass up this type of water because I wanted to fish the classic runs and pools. But ended up getting crowded out of the "classic" runs in the fall. So I started hitting the pockets and faster areas. Whoa, was I nuts. With water temps around the low 50's, Steelhead can be found in the pockets and faster water. Sometimes in really fast water. But this type of water can create havoc with your anchor placement, whether it's an upstream anchor or downstream anchor.

There are a few things that can help remedy this while providing maximum casting performance out of Sustained Anchor casting (skagit casting). On an upstream anchor you can simply place your anchor a few feet further upstream than normal. This will give you the time to complete the cast into the sweep, 45 thrust, and turnover before your anchor is swept back down to you by the current. This is fine and the only drawback I have found with this is that it requires a fairly significant change in how I lift and drag my line into the set. I like to keep things as consistent as possible. So, on the upstream Perry Poke, after I set the anchor, I don't let my rod tip hit the water like I normally would on that cast during the stop, or "poke" portion of the cast. I find that the faster current not only helps grab the line and create water tension immediately, but it does a good job of keeping it there as well. This will aid in "blown anchors". Same with a down stream Poke. I like to drop the rod tip down within 3' or so of the water instead of INTO the water as you would in a normal Poke.

Don't overlook the faster water, heavy chops or pocket white water. With the proper presentation and frisky Steelhead, you'll be surprised at the results. Plus it's a fun challenge managing line, anchors, and getting a good presentation in fast water.

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